I created the IFR Quick Review Study Guide a few years ago to help readers study for their Instrument checkrides and maintain IFR proficiency. Since then, it has more than doubled in size from the original ten pages.
The guide condenses most of the knowledge required for an FAA Airplane-Instrument rating into a convenient short, yet comprehensive collection.
Since it focuses on breadth over depth, you should use it as a supplemental study resource. Any error corrections or feedback is appreciated. You can send those through PilotsCafe's contact page.
Pay what you want
The guide is sold under the "pay what you want" model. You can pay whatever you feel it's worth to you.
Why consider paying more than $0?
To support my work. Your support is a recognition of the effort and time spent in creating the guide and will help me keep it up to date over time.
5% of sales profits are donated at year's end to Direct Relief.
Direct Relief donates medicine and supplies to local healthcare providers in more than 140 countries, including the United States. It is one of the best-rated charities on CharityNavigator.org.
New graphic for odd/even flight altitude sectors in controlled airspace.
Updated AIM reference. AIM 5-1-8 replaced with 5-1-6
Updated NOTAM definition
Special Thanks
Andrew Shacker
Ben Bratcher
Nadeem Toor
v3.7.0 (17 Nov 2022)
Added warning about IMC in class G without clearance.
Added information about cruise clearances and block altitudes.
Typographical and formatting fixes
Holding pattern race track drawing - minor graphical fix
v3.6.2 (08 Oct 2022)
Changed "IAP" to "IAF" in "starting at the IAP", page 2.
Add references to ยง61.57 in carrying passengers as PIC and instrument recency sections, page 1.
Fixed FAR reference to class B to ยง91.131, page 17.
VDA, change "Visual Descent Angle" to "Vertical Descent Angle".
Added GLS, SFRA, VDA, and VDP to glossary.
Special thanks:
Martin Kelly
Dan Sobczak
v3.6.1 (16 May 2022)
Rephrased optical illusion section for clarity.
Fixed: RNAV routes by default are RNAV 2, not RNAV 1 as stated previously.
ILS Categories: Added reference to AIM 1-1-9 and added the word "Lowest" to ILS CAT visibility and DH column headers for clarity.
Clarified instrument recency timeline graphic. This is a work in progress and may be improved further to be more concise.
Special thanks:
Bryce Spain
Doug Blischok
v3.6.0 (30 Jan 2022)
IFR Altitudes
Added descriptions for MCA and MRA definitions.
Lost Comm Procedures
Added in VFR conditions, continue the flight under VFR and land as soon as practicable.
Improved formatting
DME slant range explanation reworded
Remove reference to ยง61.51 in "When is an instrument rating needed" (it belongs only to "Logging Instrument Time")
Typo corrections
Special thanks:
Dave Dwyer
James Mahoney
Justin Jackson
Robert Haymond
v3.5.1 (11 Nov 2021)
More typo corrections
'other mean available' -> 'other means available'
'pop-ups are a mean to' -> 'pop-ups allow'
cancelled -> canceled
floatation -> flotation
minimas -> minima
scaleable -> scalable
Special thanks:
Chris Higgins
v3.5.0 (11 Nov 2021)
New: when can a pilot log instrument approaches.
Departure procedures:
New: Vertical Climb Over Airport (VCOA)
New: Diverse Departure Criteria and procedures
New: Diverse Vector Area procedures
Clarified description of Scalable RNP.
Changed "Mandatory reports under IFR" to "Required ..."
Changed "Types of class E" to "Functions of ..." to match AIM's language.
Added two more functions of class E.
Replace "Orthographic" with "orographic" lifting
Replace "uplosping" with "upsloping"
Terms and definitions
New: Night definition as per FAR 1.1
New: VCOA definition
Minor design and formatting improvements
Special thanks:
Eric Treworgy
Graeme Nichol
Jack Spellman
Michal Harel
v3.4.0 (29 Sep 2021)
Added DME Service Volumes
Fixed formatting and typos
Special thanks:
Diego Luna
William D. Palmer
v3.3.0 (13 Aug 2021)
Rephrased recency of experience section and added exceptions.
Rearranged first few pages of the guide to fit added content.
Added graphic for IFR recency of experience timeline.
Added 'A PTA TEN R' acronym for position reports.
Removed periods from acronyms
Fixed typo decent to descent
v3.2.0 (19 Jul 2021)
Added DME service volumes
Rearranged page
Fixed formatting and typos
v3.1.0 (17 May 2021)
Added information about pop-up IFR clearances.
Added types of weather briefings.
Added remark in "operating with inoperative items" that removing equipment affects W&B.
Added transponder code table.
Fixed typos.
v3.0.0 (28 Feb 2021)
Changed copyright - guide is now under the "pay what you want" price model $0+.
v2.6.0 (26 Feb 2021)
Added "When is an Instrument Rating required?" paragraph.
Fixed text formating
Re-arranged first page layout
Special thanks: Dan Watkins
v2.5.1 (17 Feb 2021)
Fixed typos and minor text editing
v2.5.0 (25 Jan 2021)
Added sections about airspace and special use airspace.
Reformat design of weather section.
v2.4.1 (18 Dec 2020)
Fixed typo in example of descent planning calculation (replaced FL320 with FL350)
Special thanks: Ian Clark
v2.4.0 (16 Dec 2020)
Changed bank angle calculation for standard-rate turns from (KTAS / 10) + 5 (which is only correct for 100kts) to (KTAS / 10) x 1.5
Reports required in non-radar environment to reflect a change in section 5-3-3 of the AIM.
ETA ยฑ3 minutes changed to 2 min, or 3 min if in North Atlantic (NAT). This reflects a change made in the AIM.
Added QR Code for quick access to the updates page.
Special thanks: Ian Mastenbrook
v2.3.1 (14 Dec 2020)
Fixed typo in IFR Cruising Altitude graphics. Replaced 170ยบ with 179ยบ.
Special thanks: Ian Clark
v2.3.0 (10 Dec 2020)
Special thanks:
Captain (ret.) Phil Remmel, DPE of Scottsdale, AZ, for the many improvements, most specifically the revision of the AVIATES acronym.
Mahbubur Khan for pointing to the error in hyperventiation wording.
Replaced required inspections menemonic AVIATE with AVIATES.
Re-arranged meaning of letters in the acronym.
Added STC and AD's required inspections to the
Added progressive inspections
Clarified wording
Added examples of when 100 hours inspection is required or not.
Added Taxi Briefing (ARCH)
IFR Cruising Altitudes
Added details about IFR altitudes in controlled vs. uncontrolled airspace.
Rephrased Altimeter taxi check.
Min equipment required for IFR
Replaced "two-way navigational equipment appropriate for the route to be flown" with "two-way communication & navigational radios appropriate for the route to be flown"
Corrected DME requirements above FL240 to "at and above FL240".
Clock: added "... with sweep-second pointer or digital representation"
Basic VFR Weather Minimums section
Replaced Class E "above 10,000' MSL" with "at or above 10,000' MSL"
Replaced Class G "above 10,000'" with "at / above 10,000' MSL"
Replaced Class G "below 1,200' AGL" with "at or below 1,200' AGL"
Oxygen requirements
Replaced that "12,500'-15,000' (including)" with "above 12,500 to 14,000โ MSL (including)"
Terms & Definitions
Improved formatting
Fixed wording of hyperventilation definition.
v2.2.0 (07 Dec 2020)
Added info about VOR Minimum Operational Network program (MON) and new VOR service volumes graphic.
Terms & Definitions
Added MON
v2.1.7 (25 Nov 2020)
For published holding patterns clearance items, replaced "Direction" with "Direction of hold from fix (e.g., N, W, S, E)" for clarification.
Fix typos
v2.1.6 (23 Nov 2020)
Cleaned up missing chars
Fixed typo
v2.1.5 (23 Nov 2020)
Changed the phrase for hold turn requirements to "Follow Flight Director bank angle" to "25ยบ bank angle if using a Flight Director system" and added note: "*Whichever uses the least bank angle"
Added Report to ATC at the holding fix.
Fixed overflowing text in rate of descent example.
v2.1.4 (12 Nov 2020)
Added info about localizer and glideslope modulated carrier signals (at 90 and 150 Hz)
Replaced 'WKRAFT' acronym, preflight info required for IFR, with 'NW KRAFT', which adds 'N' for Notams to the mnemonic.
New language for ELT battery replacement requirements.
Minor layout improvements
v2.1.1 (31 Oct 2020)
Fixed explanation of flying from high pressure area to low pressure area. Altimeter will indicate higher than desired, not lower as stated before, causing pilot to fly low.
v2.1.0 (30 Oct 2020)
Updated requirements for use of FFS, FTD or ATD for acquiring instrument aeronautical experience
Added definition table of LIFR, IFR, MVFR and VFR weather reports flight categories.
Added information about SVFR
Fixed language and contents of O2 requirements.
Added SCUBA diving with controlled ascent (wait 24 hours regardless of flight altitude).
Added reference to the download webpage so that readers can check for updates of the document.
Fixed language describing Inversion Illusion
v2.0.2 (29 Oct 2020)
Fixed several typos.
v2.0.1 (28 Oct 2020)
Fixed recency of experience section, FAR Part ยง61.57, requirements for completing recency of experience in a FFS, ATD, or FTD.
v2.0 (25 Oct 2020)
Complete redesign
Corrections and updates throughout the document.
Improved graphics
Whats new (highlights)?
Using approved training devices for certification & recency of experience