Air Traffic Service (ATS) Routes

is a specified route designated for channeling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services. The term “ATS route” refers to a variety of airways, including jet routes, area navigation (RNAV) routes, and arrival and departure routes. An ATS route is defined by route specifications, which may include:
  1. An ATS route designator;
  2. The path to or from significant points;
  3. Distance between significant points;
  4. Reporting requirements; and
  5. The lowest safe altitude determined by the appropriate authority.
(FAR definition).

The term "ATS Route" is a generic term that includes "VOR Federal airways," "colored Federal airways," "jet Routes," and "RNAV routes." The term "ATS route" does not replace these more familiar route names, but serves only as an overall title when listing the types of routes that comprise the United States route structure. (PCG definition).

Source: 14 CFR Federal Aviation Regulations, Pilot Contoller Glossary (PCG)